S e a r c h



The History of Steak Pefection

LOS ANGELES, California — The history of steak perfection for the modern era began with the construction of the railroads.  This website and the Steak Perfection book provide detailed information about the history of cattle, breeds, feed, and geography that contributed to today's steak perfection.

Delmonico's Restaurant

In the 19th Century, Delmonico's Restaurant opened in New York City as the first restaurant in the U.S.  More importantly, the restaurant gave its name to one of the world's best steaks, called the Delmonico Steak.  But what exactly is the Delmonico Steak?  Click here to read about Delmonico's Restaurant, the Delmonico Steak, and other Delmonico stories.

Related information:




Want to know where beef cuts come from?  Or information about hormones, Mad Cow Disease (BSE), Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), and other stories?  Check out these the Beef Industry Resource.

Here are pictures drawing and posters of the various retail cuts and where they come from.

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